Hey guys! We've a short and sweet update for you today!

Blighted guardians have plagued Elenia as long as there have been people living there. The infectious nature of the parasite means that care must be taken any time a blighted guardian is seen near a populated area. Fortunately, these unholy nightmares are filled with a mindless drive to destroy, and aren't very bright.
Now, troubling reports have surfaced concerning a blighted guardian that exhibits signs of enhanced intelligence. A small village has been terrorized by this mutated guardian. It comes into town at night, killing and eating people who are out in the streets, but it always retreats before it can be dealt with.
So far, it has been content to leave the buildings alone. However, as the news spreads, there are very few people out at night, and the villagers worry that it will start attacking people in their homes. This new threat must be dealt with before anyone else falls victim to its voracious appetite. To this end, the town has posted a bounty on the monster's head.
While this "Blighted Terror," as it is being called, looks like a very large version of more common blighted guardians, it is frighteningly intelligent, and anything that can be done to stop any more of these terrors from being created would be a great service to the people of Elenia. Fortunately, this intelligent guardian has killed all of its victims. While tragic, it has ensured that no one else has turned into similar monsters.
When confronted by armed adventurers in the streets, the mutant retreated. They pursued it to a nearby system of caves, but didn't dare face it on its own territory. There doesn't seem to be any other exits from the caves, so for now, the blighted terror is held at bay by guards outside of the forest where it’s cavern is thought to be. Its hunger grows, however, and it's only a matter of time before it emerges again.

For our Day 14 unlock, we will be adding a miniature to the KS2 Promo Box for the Blighted Brute Standee, featured in Unintentional Malum: Act 1.
To be clear, this miniature is part of the KS2 Promo Box and is being given away for free as part of every pledge level at the "Through the Portal" level or higher.
The cardboard standee version that is already a part of the contents of Unintentional Malum: Act 1 will remain a standee.