Hey, backers, ya boy Alex here!

Today's update is nothing fancy. Just a list of important dates regarding this pledge manager unlock plus a recap of a few items.
Important Dates
- Pledge manager closing: Wednesday July 6, 2022 (changed from July 8th)
- Lock orders: Thursday, July 7, 2022
- Charge date first batch: Thursday, July 14, 2022
- Charge date second batch: Thursday, July 21, 2022
- Cut off for failed payment date: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
- Lock addresses date: Monday, August 1, 2022
- Wave 2 shipping charges applied: Q4 2022
- Fulfillment begins (estimate): December 2022
We won't be charging cards until the pledge manager closes and this is for a few different reasons:
- Waiting to charge cards until the end of the unlock will allow everyone to edit their orders any time they wish, up until the closing date of July 6th. Charging cards prematurely while edits can still be made can cause a huge headache for both backers and the Succubus team.
- Charging cards for backers while in the middle of the unlock will require constant locking / un-locking of add-ons. This means that all available add-ons will need to be locked on an ongoing basis and which will also remove backer's ability to make changes to their add-ons purchase (not ideal for anyone).
- Since this type of unlock is uncommon, we at Succubus Publishing are limited in what we can do on the backend. Charging cards for backers who were previously charged in BackerKit (AKA pretty much everyone that pledged on the campaign) requires Backerkit staff intervention.
So mark your calendar!
The Pledge Manager closes on July 6th, and cards will be run on July 14th!
Pledge Manager Links
If you're an existing backer and would like to add more to your pledge for Wave 2, you can find your survey here.
If you're brand new to Middara, you are a backer that either had everything fulfilled in Wave 1, or you'd like to start a fresh order, here is your link.
Pledge Manager FAQ
Here you can find a list of the most commonly asked questions regarding this pledge manager unlock.
Buyer's Guide
If you haven't seen it yet, click here for a handy guide on what we're offering and how to navigate the pledge manager.
We have to reiterate again. No shipping is being charged on this pledge manager unlock at this time.
Shipping will be applied to your order once we are ready to ship everything out (estimated Q4 2022) and must be paid for us to fulfill your order.
We are waiting until we start shipping to charge so that we are able to charge you accurate shipping costs.
We're not looking to make money on the shipping fees, but we can't afford to under-charge either so we have no option but to wait.
We also cannot give estimates on shipping at this time because shipping is fluctuating significantly month to month. We simply don't know what shipping will cost.
Join The Community
Lastly, if you haven't joined our discussions on Discord, come on in! We're super active in there and people are always chatting about builds, rules, strategies, and future content.
For anything else, be sure to email us at support@succubuspublishing.com.
See ya soon, and stay sexy.