Pledge Manager Announcements

Hey, everyone!

Ian here.

This will be a short update but hopefully it will help a lot of the backers out there.

First of all, here are the links for anyone that needs them:

If you're an existing backer and would like to add more to your pledge for Wave 2, you can find your survey here.

If you're brand new to Middara, or you are a backer that either had everything fulfilled in Wave 1, or you'd like to start a fresh order, here is your link.

Pledge Manager FAQ

A pledge manager FAQ document has been created.

Go here for answers to some common questions or for a breakdown of what's included in the bundles and pledge levels.

When are we Charging Cards? 

When you place an order with Backerkit, your credit card isn't charged immediately. Instead, Backerkit will charge cards at a later date. We understand many of you are wondering when this will happen exactly.

Normally, we could easily choose. But since this sort of a pledge manager unlock isn't very common, we're restricted in what we at Succubus Publishing can do on the back end. Some of things that we want to do must be handled by the developers over at Backerkit. One of these things is charging credit cards.

Since it's Memorial Day weekend here in the states, everyone at Backerkit is out of the office until Tuesday so we're unable to speak with them until after the weekend. However, after we have had a talk with them, we will post a thorough update regarding when we plan on charging cards, locking orders, etc. In any case, it will be during, and/or, at the end of this Pledge Manager's unlock period.

We expect to announce the exact dates cards will be charged sometime next week. We appreciate everyone's patience. We can also assure that you will have a heads up before cards are charged.

New Bundles (By Community Request)

You have all been really active in the comments here on Kickstarter and over on Discord. We've seen that everyone has been asking about new bundle options, and we have heard you.

We have six new bundle options to help cover a wide array of cases.

The first two focus on the new items associated with this pledge manager unlocking.

NEW “With Swag” (Pledge Upgrade)

This Pledge Upgrade includes the new items added on this campaign only. Meaning, if you're an existing backer who also purchased the resin kits previously released, this bundle will get you everything you don't have:

Just the New Stuff (Bundle)

This Bundle includes all the new items we added to the pledge manager for this unlock.

Through the Portal Lite (Pledge Upgrade)

This Pledge Upgrade is Act 2+3 with all the Bounties, Pirates of Elenia, Trail of a Princess, Vile Variations and the KS1 Promo Pack, and the 1.2 Update Pack to round it out.

Returning to the Portal Lite (Pledge Upgrade)

This Pledge Upgrade contains Vile Variations, the Bounties, Trail of a Princess, and the 1.2 Update Pack.

All 3 Acts Lite (Pledge Upgrade)

This Pledge Upgrade gets you the KS1 Promo Pack, Pirates, Trail of a Princess, all the Bounties, Vile Variations and the 1.2 Update Pack.

Core Gameplay (Bundle)

This bundle is a slimmed down version of the “Gameplay All-In” bundle, but still gets you all the core content.

It's for those that want Acts 2+3 and content that adds to the story experience or upgrades core content.

We hope that these new bundles take care of the many niche cases we've had reported. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

That's it for now. We'll see you next week.

Have a great weekend and Stay Sexy!