Hello backers!
Alex here.
Brooklynn and I are feeling great and are back to the game-making grind!
We keep saying it... but thank you all so much for your support! We're super excited to keep building up the Middara universe and we're committed to hitting our deadlines for delivery!
Today we just have a couple of announcements to make.
Pledge Manager
We're currently setting up the pledge manager and are working to have it open up in the next week or two. There are lots of little odds and ends to this campaign so we're making sure everything is there.
Once our pledge manager goes live, it will include all of the Kickstarter discounts that you see on the campaign... for a limited time.
These discounts will end by the beginning of October at which point we will shift over to more of a preorder format.
We will be accepting late backers, so tell your friends if they missed the campaign!
Retail Pledges
We will be adding a pledge level to the pledge manager that is geared toward retailers. This pledge will include 2 further discounted Core Games but will include no promotional material. This will allow retailers to experiment with selling the Core Game in their stores.
To be clear, this retail pledge is still very expensive as our game is very expensive. But we've had enough retailers ask for it that we're more than happy to offer them the game at the price we must offer it at. If you have any questions about this pledge, and you also own a store, go ahead and send us an email.
Customer Support and Social Media
Email support and social media are vitally important but are also very time-consuming. So, while the two of us continue to refine our business strategy and allocate our time appropriately, we've decided that we won't be able to respond to Kickstarter messages after this week.
We will do our best to answer all the queued up Kickstarter messages this week, but beyond that, if you have a question / comment / concern, please please email us at support@succubuspublishing.com instead of sending a KS message.
Kickstarter messages can't be cataloged or organized, they're just a big mess of messages that are daunting to go through and hard to organize.
Thanks for understanding!
BGG Tuckbags
The custom tuckbacks made by Board Game Geek are now available here!
The Chapter 4 audio is currently in the works and should be available on our website by the end of September! We're also going to double-down on getting that App to not suck on Android.
That's it for today! Thanks for checking the update!
Stay modest, but still sexy.