Hey, everyone, we've got a short and sweet one for ya!

The last day of our preorder is nigh!
After years of development, we're finally only a few weeks away from starting up the mass-production process!
This preorder will be your best chance to get what you need from our last Kickstarter before we're essentially sold out upon delivery.
All sales open until 11pm on November 5th! (One day left-ish!)
News and Trajectory
This last month has been a wild ride for us. We’ve had lots of calls, lots of overtime, and too much coffee. Together, the Succubus team has been wallin’ out on completing this game, preparing files for Tabletop Simulator, getting future cross promotions lined up, and working with manufacturing and fulfillment to make sure everything gets delivered in a timely manner.
We’re happy to say that our preorder is doing well. We’ve been very pleased with all the engagement we’re getting from our awesome community!
Tabletop simulator has been fully updated this week with a new version of Unintentional Malum Act 2 in preparation for our playtesters to begin crushing through the entirety of the game. Meanwhile, we’ve been slamming out the development of the last Encounters in Act 3. We expect to have Act 3 ready for playtesters and on Tabletop Simulator long before they get to playing it.
Production Updates
On top of all the dev work, we’ve also been proofing our files sent to us by our factory so that we can begin printing asap! With a game as complex as Middara, we must be super thorough with this process to make sure that nothing gets missed!
To recap, this month we’ll be starting production on:
- The Cave Sickle Queen Bounty Pack
- The Pit Boss Bounty Pack
- Act 1 Token Upgrade Pack
- Trail of a Princess Adventure Pack
- Lupercalia 2021 Pack
- Cross-Promotion Pack
- Silvia, The Dark Mother Cultist
- XL 10x6 Sleeves
Also, we can officially confirm that we’ve hit our minimums to approve production for the Version 1.2 Act 1 Box + Inserts. Hooray! Those will go into print this month as well.
We estimate the above to be delivered in March / April 2025.
Once Act 2 + 3 and Pirates are playtested and approved, we will go into print for these two products, as well as all the other products that require Act 2 + 3 to use.
These include:
- The Collector Bounty Pack
- KS2 Promo Pack
- Art Book Vol. 2
- Act 2 + 3 Dice
- Vile Variations
This print run will also include all the new items included on this preorder:
- Lupercalia 2022 Pack
- Lupercalia 2023 Pack
- Vestalia 2023 Pack
- Back To School 2023 Pack
- Lo-Fi Nightingale
We estimate these products getting delivered by July / August 2025.
Everything that we currently have in stock will be submitted to our warehouses and fulfilled right away.
These items include:
- Middara: Unintentional Malum - Act 1
- KS1 Promo Pack
- Fury Of Nature Bounty Pack
- Art Book Vol. 1
- 5x6 Sleeves
- Playmats
- Tuckbags
- Lakshmi
- 1.2 Rulebook
- 1.2 Update Pack
- T-Shirts
- Incense
Late Payment Options
We’ve been working hard to provide late payment options. However, right now, it seems the only way for us to reasonably provide these payment options would be to use a different platform (other than Backerkit.) The work involved to do this isn’t trivial and we’ve been searching for a partner to do this with.
With all that said, our current options are not something we can make happen within a week and will require us to build out some additional infrastructure and deal with partners. This is something we want to work towards, but as of right now, cannot promise, unfortunately.
For those waiting for this option, we're sorry we aren't able to provide this at the moment.
Webstore Reopening
While we calculate final numbers and begin fulfilling everything from this preorder that we have "in stock", our webstore will remain closed for a couple of weeks.
We'll make an announcement once we're up and running again.
Sign Off
With the preorder coming to a close, our upcoming Kickstarter updates will be focused on production news, as well as playtesting progress for the subsequent print run of Act 2 + 3.
We'll also get back into regular Aeonian Codex updates, as well as general news and game content.
Talk to you soon, and thanks so much for support us!