Happy Holidays from the Succubus crew!
This update is going out a few days later than planned. We were just so ready to take a little break, hang out with family and friends, and get loose on some high-proof eggnog, that we put off posting.
Anyway, we’ve got a quick update for you..
Wave 1 Delivery
As much as we’d hoped that Santa would have his sleigh stocked up to get Wave 1 delivered by Christmas, turns out he’s beenslackingand delivery is looking like it’s going to be happening in January…
CA - Tiles and card replacements will ship out beginning of January after the Christmas / New Year’s break.
EU - Same thing. Replacements got delayed at FedEx, early January is the scheduled delivery time.
US - Inventory is still being processed, replacement cards and tiles are being packed into orders, early January is where it’s looking like we’re landing for delivery.
AUS -Replacements currently held up in customs, waiting on some paperwork that should be resolved by today. Safe to say early January for this as well.
Asia- The window here is quite large and depends on where you live. Delivery will happen between Jan 1 - Jan 30.
You can check out our campaign fulfillment estimates in Asiahere.
- Middara : Unintentional Malum - Act 1
- KS1 Promo Pack
- Art Book Vol. 1
- Playmats (all 10)
- Adventurer Tuckbags
- Extra Act 1 Dice
- 5x6 Sleeves
- 1.2 Update Pack
- 1.2 Rulebook
Webstore Launch

Our plan is to restock the webstore on January 1st, 2024.
Our new site design is up, go check it out if you haven’t yet!
We’ll still be right in the middle of Wave 1 fulfillment when we launch, so any orders placed on the store will ship outafterthe Kickstarter has been delivered.
Also, we have three hubs with inventory.
We’ll have a warehouse in the US, Germany, and Australia. So depending on where you’re at, shipping fees should be reasonable and customs fees hopefully won’t be too much of an issue.
Wave 2 Progress

We’re so close, we can taste it.
As stated in previous updates, our goal is to have everything in this campaign designed by the end of the year.
With people traveling and working more remotely this week and last, this deadline will probably get pushed into the first week of January.
But this won’t be holding up our graphic designer from continuing to get things prepped for playtesting in February.
What’s Left?
Brooklynn, Kris, and Ian have been hustling big time to get this done. Here’s what’s left:
- 4 Encounters
- 39 Large Cards
- 26 Standard Euro
- 18 Mini-American
- 2 Tarot
It’s almost surreal to be this close.
Of course, we still need to review all the files, get everything laid out in the proper format, get everything ready for playtesting, and then playtest.
This will encompass the final 10% of completion of this project.
But to just know that all the design work is complete is a huge milestone.

Sign Off
That’s it for today’s update! We hope you enjoy your holidays!!
We’ll keep the updates coming! Expect another one next week!