Whoa! Two updates in one week? What’s happening?
“Wave 1.5” - AKA Lupercalia 2022 and 2023

The Lupercalia resins are looking siiiick.
Lupercalia 2023 will begin shipping tomorrow. We estimate that all US and Canada backers will receive these kits within 2 weeks, and if we’re being conservative, all backers worldwide will receive their L23 kits within 6 - 8 weeks.

Lupercalia 2022has been more complicated due to the absolutely insane designs of the sculpts, especially Taiga, The Hedonistic Muse.

These designs really pushed the boundaries of what resin is capable of. Our manufacturer is salty at us for these, but you’re going to love them because they look so rad.
We estimate L22 shipping in September with fulfillment worldwide landing somewhere in October.

We’re still trying to sort out how to make these kits more logistically viable. Currently we manufacture the printed components across the globe from the plastics which requires a lot of frustrating and expensive pick-and-pull on our end.
To save time and money, these kits will be shipped with the boxes and gameplay content separate from the plastics, all of which will be contained into one larger box. Once you receive your package, it should be superclear. Yeah, it’s weird but it’s the most efficient way we’ve come up with to fulfill these orders.
We will have a very, very small surplus of the Lupercalia 2022 + 2023 kits that we will likely be selling online in October. Keep an eye out for them if you missed them on the KS!
Vestalia 2023
We sold out of our Vestalia kits! But don’t worry, we’re actively printing more and they should be ready to ship this week.
If you ordered Vestalia in the past couple weeks and still haven’t seen a shipping confirmation, this is why. Keep an eye out for that shipping confirmation in the week or so.
Production Update, Essen, and PAX Unplugged
Alex met with our manufacturers again this week in our hometown of Salt Lake City. They flew all the way out here just to see us! What an honor!
Long story short, Essen Spiel just isn’t going to happen for us. According to them, mass production on Wave 1 will be completed by September 10-15. With travel time and customs, there’s just no way to make Essen happen.
And by “happen”, we mean we won’t have a booth. Alex will still be there meeting with other publishers and scoping out the scene. If you’ll be there and want to hang out, he could probably use a tour guide.
With ocean travel, customs, and the inevitable delays that happen with a shipment this large, this also means that Wave 1 will likely begin to start fulfillment to backers starting in late October / early November.
Everything takes so long! Especially with a bulky, complicated game like Middara.
We definitely will be in Philadelphia for PAX Unplugged in early December. And we could always use some volunteer help running demos.
If you’re interested, email us at support@succubuspublishing.com.
Wave 2
Alex also talked to the factory about deadlines for Wave 2. Our goal at Succubus is to have all Wave 2 files delivered for digital proofing by the end of October.
We were hoping for a Q1 2024 delivery for Wave 2, but a Q2 delivery is almost certain. Late April or May is what we’ve been told.
Of course, we’re still pushing hard to get files delivered ASAP.
On that note, we’ve been moving and have more content to share.
Wave 2 Beta Content
Brooklynn has been locked up by Nyx herself, it’s not as fun as it sounds. She’s making sure that the game gets designed and none of the pesky things like ‘business’ or ‘fun’ get in the way. We’re told the dungeons he’s kept in are comfortable, but this hasn’t been confirmed.
In any case, the following demons have been slain.
- The Encounters “Night Fighting” and “Sprawling Cavern” have been updated and re-uploaded to beta testers. They now represent something closer to a final layout. Lots of fun new artwork with more coming.
- All Epic and Legendary Unique Items are now ready to review.
- We’ve uploaded every non-story Discipline related to Act 2 and 3! That’s 44 cards!
Next week we endeavor to embark upon slaying the following:
- The Encounter “The Demon Shrine” and “The Easy Way Out”.
- New rules associated for all tokens, terrain, and tiles, included in these two encounters.
- The entirety of KS2 Promo Box (We wanted to have this ready today but after review, we’re not happy with the Items and didn’t want to share them this week.)
- Three new Combatant Cards (Brooklynn got Covid, he’ll have them up next Friday.)
Sign Off
As always, we appreciate you all so much for your support and patience. We’re really striving to get better at managing Succubus for the future in a way where our campaigns don’t drag on for years.
Right now we’re feeling a shift in productivity that we’ll continue riding with until the project is complete!
We hope you've enjoyed your weekend and we’ll talk to you soon!