Delivery Projections

Hey friends, Alex here.

It's been a wild year and we're only 4 months in. We hope that everyone is staying safe and doing the best they can to remain positive in these difficult times.

With China finally staggering back to work after their shutdowns from COVID-19, we have finally begun the mass production process for everything on Wave 1. Obviously, this is a lot later than we had hoped for.

We do want to take some of the fault on ourselves as well. We wanted to begin mass production long before Chinese New Year in late January, but we got so much feedback from backers about the first edition of Middara Act 1, that we couldn't allow ourselves to go into print without implementing everything we saw as crucial.

We feel very proud of Act 1 as it stands now and we know you'll all have a blast playing through the story.

With that said, we have been given confirmation that games should leave China by late summer. Throw another 4 weeks on there for ocean freight travel and localized shipping and we're looking at an early fall delivery.

We will keep you informed of all the milestones along the way and we really appreciate your patience and support.

Wave 2 and Beyond

We've been using this time to really start hammering out the development of Acts 2 and 3, plus all the other expansion content and we can't wait to show off what's in store. 

With the landscape of boardgames getting more vast and creative, we want to stay competitive and continue to carve our little niche of JRPG dungeon crawlers by going all-out with some crazy ideas for the Wave 2 expansions.

Every day I get an excited call from Brooklynn asking me if an idea he has is too crazy for Middara. I always say "no, let's do it." 

Just For Fun

Mobile Wallpapers:

Desktop Wallpapers:

You can find all the wallpapers here!

Thanks for checking in and we wish you all the best!