The Path to Perfection

Returning Backer Updates (Playtesting, playtesting, playtesting!)

Hey backers! Brooklynn here.

First off, we've been hard at work prepping our files for our manufacturer. We have been wading through the incredible amount of feedback we've been receiving. On one hand, we're organizing the list of things we want to do now, later, or further into the future. And on the other hand, we're implementing what we can now. It's been a wild ride as I go through all the emails and notes. 

With all that said, for those of you who have played through Act 1, I've thrown together a feedback link (Spoiler) here (Spoiler). This link contains questions that would be considered spoilers, so if you're worried about that I'd ignore the link entirely. Otherwise, go ahead and take a look at those questions and let us know what you think. 

This week will be spent going through boardgamegeek and snagging any suggestions or feedback that haven't already been sent to me personally. We feel very confident that we've already grabbed a wide array of problematic Discipline combinations.  But just to be extra prudent I'll be searching for any issues on the forums. 

Aeon Trespass Cross Over! 

Marcin and the folks over at Into the Unknown Studios, have asked us if they could include their own vision of Nyx in Aeon Trespass: Odyssey. Of course, being a day 1 backer of the project myself I was stoked on that idea! Their Kickstarter is definitely one of those robust, miniature-heavy games that hits my table often at home. More importantly, Marcin was open, kind, and very passionate about his project. We talked in great detail about Kickstarter and all the madness that goes with it.

This sort of open communication with our fellow creators helps us all avoid pitfalls, learn from each others experiences, and generally make new friends in the industry.  We appreciate all those who reach out and take the time to impart their knowledge upon us.

Alongside all the open discussion, we love doing cross promotions with fellow passionate creators! However, we also don't like the idea of exclusivity or that sort of nonsense. For these reasons, the add-on for Nyx that is being offered on the Aeon Trespass Kickstarter does not contain any Middara content mechanically.  However, we might bounce ideas off of each other and include some fun surprises on our end in the future. 

Of course, you might be asking what we get out of these cross promotions? The truth is purely altruistic. We don't make anything off the sales they make, nor do we charge them any sort of commission or cost to use our character. Really, we just like working with awesome people and sharing cool Kickstarters we personally backed!

Until next time. 

Stay Sexy.