Timeline Update and the Future

What's up backers!?

We'll start by saying that we apologize for the long hiatus on updates. 

Things have changed a lot since our humble beginnings, but our constant updates are partly what garnered us so much support on the first campaign so we want to continue that as best we can moving forward.

We will make sure to keep our updates more regular from here on out.

Specifically, we want to start regularly updating and showing off some of what you really want to see, which is progress on Wave 2.

The Elephant In The Room

We see the buzz in the comments, social media, and on our Discord channel, so we understand that this may not come as a surprise to some, but the bottom line is that we're going to be late on our delivery estimates. 

2021 was very stressful, and while it's true that we constantly have a strong team of writers, designers, developers, and artists working and moving Wave 2 forward, this year we allowed our attention to be fragmented due to production delays, constant shipping concerns, and web store maintenance. Things just haven't been moving as quickly as we'd planned.

In the end, our shortfalls and excuses are not your concern as a backer. You paid for a badass game, and that's what we're determined to give you.

It's been said before, but Middara is a labor of love and we find it difficult to detach and release a product we aren't 100% proud of.

We know that many of you appreciate this "labor of love" sentiment, but there also has to be a line drawn somewhere. Development hell is endless without proper deadlines, and we have a history of perfectionism when it comes to this game.

For this reason, we're giving ourselves a challenging, but realistic deadline to have all Wave 2 files submitted to our manufacturer by the end of March 2022.

Beyond the file submission target of March, final delivery will really depend on our manufacturer timelines, potential container shortages, ocean freight timelines, and fulfillment constraints. 

This makes any final delivery date difficult to nail down with absolute certainty, but our goal is to have everything delivered by Christmas of 2022.

In other words, a year later than estimated.

Since this game is our life and our livelihood, making this sort of announcement is a painful thing to do. But with the new additions we've made to the Succubus team, we feel very confident in hitting these deadlines.

Pledge Manager Re-Opening

As of now, our plan is to open up a Wave 2 pre-order on Backerkit for our February Valentine's 2022 event. There will be no restrictions as to who can get into the pledge manager. Everyone is welcome.

We also plan on selling everything from Wave 1 on this pre-order, just in case you may have missed anything.

Both Wave 1 and Wave 2 products ordered during this pre-order at this time will be delivered together.

State of the Game

The team is currently split into different teams working on different projects.

Alex has been working on expanding Middara into other languages, working out printing deals and moving forward with some big plays next year. This will allow us to pool a larger print run in 2022 and keep our products in stock, while also keeping Middara affordable during this supply chain crisis.

We will provide more details regardling the languages we are considering localization in as our partnerships with international distributors become concrete.

On the design front, Pete Walsh is actively working on Pirates of Elenia at this time. This project has tons of artwork, most of the CAD files, and much of the tile artwork completed. We’ll be doing a preview of this product in December.

Meanwhile, Brooklynn has been hard at work organizing, laying out, and doing preliminary design work for Act 2 and 3. This includes getting artwork commissioned, and preparing these products for full-on Encounter Design. 

The narrative writing for Acts 2 and 3 are 50% complete. We’ll be putting up a preview for this product in February.

We put together a graphic of the current progress of each Wave 2  product in development below:

Nyx Kisses with Progress

The Cave Sickle Queen Bounty has already undergone community feedback and is getting a ton of tender love and care from Ian as we speak. 

He's also going to be working on getting The Pit Boss Bounty packaged and prepared to be sent over to Coded Cardboard next week to get it onto Table Top Simulator as quickly as possible. Then we can begin our playtesting for the Pit Boss. 

We’ll let everyone know via Discord (and on a Kickstarter update) when this is happening. This bounty pack is huge. Pete has really put some heart and soul into the project.

We will also be making an effort to actually show you more progress through artwork, concepts, book excerpts, and design journals.

A Word From One of Our Designers!

Hey There Middarans, Pete here! 

I thought I should jump on the back of this update and give you all some news on how I’m progressing and what I’ve been up to. 

As mentioned last update the Cave Sickle Queen bounty is currently in beta testing. The feedback has been great with not-too-many red flags. Mostly grammar, clarifications, and nomenclature. Though, I will say, the one common red flag across all of the playthroughs so far has been that the final boss fight is a doozy. 

The Queen does not play around. 

I’m not sure many testers have lived to tell the tale of the the sickle infestation.

Nightingale and Rook overlooking the lair of the Pit Boss

In any case, the Pit Boss is getting its final tweaks before that goes into beta. Ian was going through the encounters and I took him down a few unexpected hard left turns. 

All good things, just new, unexpected and exciting! 

Everything a Bounty Pack should be. 

I’m super excited for the testers to dig their teeth into this Bounty in particular. It's a wild ride that takes you to places you didn’t think you’d go and in ways we've not done before. 

You can all expect a teaser soon.

Kajax and Shayliss sharing a drink

I’m currently working hard away at Pirates of Elenia. Boy oh boy is this a wild ride too. Kajax and his crew are going to take you places new and revisit some that you’ve been before. Expect lots of cool new mechanics like Obscuring Terrain, Patrol programming, Locked Doors, and airship battles.

Middara is the kind of game where you don't want to be spoiled too much. So let me know in the comments what you would like me to share, or not share! Then I can potentially give you all some eye candy or encounter details to check out.

After Pirates I will be diving into the Antagonist Variations (formerly "Alternate Antagonists") pack along with working on expanding the Crawl Mode for our upcoming Crawl Compendium. 

Crawl Mode in particular is something I am very excited about developing further. We still have to nail some things down, but I definitely see it more than just some encounters in a book. I want to see fun, fast paced action that anyone can jump into without the weight of a hefty ongoing narrative. Where players can experiment with builds, playing characters they may not have ever chosen before, and giving extra mileage to all of these awesome expansions and additional content.

Lastly I want to introduce a dear friend of mine I met while spelunking in the caves of Elenia. This guy breaks all the rules about forging your own destiny. A guy who believes you can do whatever you want as long as you’re brave, strong and have a giant sword... and killer set of shades. I’d like you all to meet Jeff the Cave Sickle Adventurer. How and where Jeff fits into the universe hasn’t been determined. But one thing is for sure, just because you were born a monster doesn’t mean you can’t be a hero too!

A 3d print I made myself!

Last Things

Thanks for checking our update. We'll see you very soon with Wave 2 teasers, update progress, and news about future endeavors. 

Thanks for your patience and dedications to our project. We appreciate everyone who has supported us. 

Till next time, Stay Sexy.

Where can I find support for Middara?

Have Shipping Questions?

  •  Shipping/Replacement Questions (USA/CA): help@funagainlogistics.com
  •  Shipping/Replacement Questions (EU/Rest of the World): info@fulfillment-europe.de
  •  Shipping/Replacement Questions (Rest of World): info@fulfillment-europe.de