Hey, backers. Today we wanted to start up the regular progress and production updates again since the preorder is all wrapped up.
Thanks again for all the support on the preorder! We’re super excited to begin production soon and get some Middara into your hands this upcoming spring!
“In Stock” Shipping Schedule

First out the door will be everything that we had in stock in our warehouses.
This includes:
- Middara: Unintentional Malum - Act 1
- KS1 Promo Pack
- Fury of Nature Bounty Pack
- All Playmats
- Extra Dice
- Tuckbags
- Art Book, Vol. 1
- Lakshmi Resin Model
- 1.2 Update Pack
- Extra Rulebook
- 5x6 Sleeves
- Nyx T-Shirts
- Nine Levels of Dark Divinity Incense
We will be submitting our final counts to our warehouses for these products this week. If you’re located in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, or the UK, we estimate that you will receive these items before the end of the month. For everywhere else, it may take a bit longer.
Production and Delivery Recap
First Production Run - Estimated Delivery of April / May 2025

The first batch of stuff is just about ready to start mass-production. We are still waiting on final approval of a few things before we give them the green-light.
But to get more granular, here’s where we’re at.
All miniatures have been approved and the plastic molds have been produced. This is the most time-consuming aspect of mass-production.
All we’re waiting on at the moment are the physical samples of The Cave Sickle Queen Bounty, The Pit Boss Bounty, andsome updated cover art for Trail of a Princess. Once we've received those and approved them, we’re good to start mass-production on the following…
- The Cave Sickle Queen Bounty Pack
- The Pit Boss Bounty Pack
- Trail of a Princess Adventure Pack
- Silvia, The Dark Mother Cultist
- Act 1 Token Upgrade Pack
- Lupercalia 2021 Pack
- Cross-Promotion Pack
- XL Sleeves
- Act 1 v.1.2 Box + Inserts
- Ode To The Coven Incense
- Yahweh’s Lorica of Creativity Incense
Again, we estimate these arriving to you by April / May 2025.
If you anticipate moving before then, please, please, please email us at support@succubuspublishing so we can update your address.
Everything Else - Estimated Delivery of July / August 2025

We’ve taken our playtesting to the next level so that we can iron out all the kinks in Act 2 + 3 and in Pirates in a timely fashion. These are the two remaining products we’re waiting on before we start the next batch of production.
To be clear, these products have been fully designed. All they need is a playtesting pass. Once we’re received the feedback we’ve deemed adequate, it’s off to production.
On top of the assortment of feedback we’re getting from the Discord community, we have a team of 15 full-time playtesters on the job to get this done. This group is a combination of trusted locals in Salt Lake, and a team of vetted playtesters from our Discord community. These folks have shown an obvious passion for the product and have proven themselves as professionals when it comes to playtesting.
Once Act 2 + 3 and Pirates are fully playtested, the remaining products on this campaign will begin production.
These include:
- Middara: Unintentional Malum - Act 2 + 3
- Pirates of Elenia, Vol. 1
- The Collector Bounty Pack
- Vile Variations
- Lupercalia 2022 Pack
- Lupercalia 2023 Pack
- Vestalia 2023 Pack
- Back To School 2023 Pack
- Lo-fi Nightingale
- Art Book, Vol. 2
- Extra Act 2 + 3 Dice
The Collector Bounty, KS2 Promo Pack, Vile Variations, and Act 2 + 3 Extra Dice all require Act 2 + 3 to use, so even though these are playtested and complete, we are saving these for this print run.
The Lupercalia 2022 Pack, Lupercalia 2023 Pack, Vestalia 2023 Pack, Back To School Pack, and Lo-fi Nightingale products are playtested and complete, but still require molding so these will also be delivered in that July / August 2025 timeframe.
Art Book Vol. 2 shows off all the art from Act 2 + 3 so it makes sense to deliver this in this timeframe.
Webstore Update
While we get our numbers for the “in stock” fulfillment, we will be keeping the webstore closed.
If there’s anything you still need, we will reopen on November 29th for Black Friday!

Beneath Elenia's surface lies a vast, ancient network of mysterious chambers known as the White Vaults. These sprawling corridors, filled with strange machinery and magical artifacts, are home to deathless servitors and dangerous creatures. Built by an unknown precursor race, the Vaults have become Elenia's greatest resource and deepest mystery. Adventurers brave their depths for fame and fortune, but many never return.
Sign Off
The updates from here on out will focus on production and playtesting progress. We'll throw some deep dives into the game + mechanics in there as well.
It's really just the waiting game until delivery!
Have a great week and stay sexy!