Well, hello again!
We’re in super-crunch mode right now, but we don’t want to skimp on the updates so we've got another one for ya!
Wave 1 Delivery

We apologize for the delays on this, the replacement issues combined with the holiday break has definitely caused delivery to take longer than we’d planned.
We’ve confirmed that all the replacement tiles and cards have arrived at their warehouses.
Here are the latest delivery updates based on what our fulfillment centers have told us:
US - Our window for delivery is scheduled for the week of January 15th.
CA - All Wave 1 orders have been fulfilled.
EU - We're still waiting on the official shipping date but everything is at the warehouse. Shipping should start very soon.
AUS - Fulfillment should begin this week (the week of January 8).
Asia - Delivery dates here vary. You can find fulfillment dates here. Just CTRL + F Middara and you’ll see it in the list.
1.2 Update Pack FAQ

What is the 1.2 Update Pack?
A reprint of every card in Middara : Unintentional Malum - Act 1 in its newest form.
Do I need the 1.2 Update Pack?
Probably not.
If you have Middara 1.0 or 1.1 and you prefer to have the newest, most up to date cards (that include all errata) when playing, the 1.2 Update Pack will give you that experience.
Otherwise, you can ignore the 1.2 Update Pack.
Does Middara 1.0 and 1.1 work with Core Expansions such as Act 2 and 3?
Middara: Unintentional Malum - Acts 2 + 3 come with all the newest cards required to play those products, regardless of what version of Middara you have.
So I can play Acts 2 + 3 even if I don’t have the 1.2 Update Pack?
Then what the hell do I need the 1.2 Update Pack for?
You will need either Middara: Unintentional Malum Act 2 + 3 or the 1.2 Update Pack to use the following products.
- Pirates of Elenia Vol. 1
- Bounty Pack: Cave Sickle Queen
- Bounty Pack: The Pit Boss
- Trail of a Princess
Products with these requirements will say so on their corresponding product pages when they are released.
Webstore Open

Pretty sure everyone knows this by now, but our webstore is now open with everything from Wave 1 being sold.
Currently no Wave 1 items purchased from the webstore will be shipped out until the Kickstarter is fulfilled.
Wave 1 means:
- Through The Portal Bundle
- Middara : Unintentional Malum - Act 1
- KS1 Promo Pack
- Art Book Vol. 1
- Playmats (set of 4, 6, or 10)
- 1.2 Update Pack
- 1.2 Rulebook
- Act 1 Extra Dice
- Adventurer Tuckbags
- 5x6 Sleeves
We’re estimating that orders purchased from the webstore will ship sometime between January 20th - 31st.
Warehouse Locations
We have three hubs that are warehousing products for us.
- US
- EU (Germany)
Middara is heavy, but this means that if you are ordering anything from these regions, your shipping should be pretty affordable.
Products Warehoused in the US Only
We do have a handful of products that are warehoused only in the US, so shipping will be more costly when ordering these items from outside the US.
This includes:

“Out Of Stock” Items
The Rulebook, the 1.2 Update Pack, 5x6 Sleeves, and Playmats (set of 6) are all listed as “sold out” or “coming soon” on the webstore.
We have a more limited quantity of these items so we are waiting for the Kickstarter to be fulfilled so we can get an accurate inventory count before we put them up for sale on the store.
We’re hoping to have these back up on the store within that Jan 20th - 31st window.
Wave 2 Progress : 89%

Right now we’re just wrapping up game design, and will likely be finished by the end of next week.
All we’ve got left is a handful of cards, and 2 Encounters.
Then we move on to the last roughly 10% of this progress calculator which includes:
- Public playtesting
- Dev analysis and integration
- Preparing files for print
We’re at the stage now where every product on this campaign is essentially done and, if we didn’t care about playtesting, could be packaged and submitted for print by the end of this month.
Everything would be 90% great and 10% kind of wonky, and that’s why we playtest.
We will be putting every product up for playtesting on Tabletop Simulator for our testers to give us feedback on.
This is a ton of content! And to keep things running efficiently, we’ll be sharing a list of the most crucial Encounters and rules that we will need help testing.
Future Updates
As we start transitioning into playtesting mode in the coming weeks, we’d like to start using future updates to showcase:
- Fun new mechanics
- Keystone Disciplines
- New Status Effects
- New Terrain
- New TAGS
- Wild new Encounters
- New characters
- New monsters
Sign Off
That’s all we’ve got for today! Thanks for checking our updates and continuing to tolerate our shenanigans!!
Remain seductive!